In the context of the ZETA principles, the term “ZETA” is an acronym for Zoophiles for Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Those principles were created in the ’90s by the american zoophile community. Aim was to establish rules and a moral framework regarding the responsible treatment of our fellow animals. Over time, the Zeta Principles found their way to Europe and have been adopted by the german community in which they are deeply rooted today as “common sense”.

When preparing to start an association of  zoophiles back in the summer of 2009, the question came up , what name should be given this project. There were numerous proposals and finally the idea won to literally put the principles on the flag and chose the the backronym of “Zoophiles Engagement für Toleranz und Aufklärung”  (zoophiles commitment for tolerance and awareness).

So it can be stated that the ZETA Principles existed long before the first thoughts about  an association like ZETA, and thus the ZETA Principles are not deduced from the ZETA project, but vice versa.


The ZETA principles are:

  • Bestow upon animals the same kindness one would wish bestowed upon oneself.
  • Consider the well being of an animal companion as important as ones own.
  • Place the animal’s will and wellbeing ahead of one’s desires for sexual gratification.
  • Teach those who seek knowledge about zoophilia and bestiality without promoting it.
  • Discourage the practice of bestiality in the presence of fetish seekers.
  • Censure sexual exploitation of animals for the purpose of financial gain.
  • Censure those who practice and promote animal sexual abuse.